Chicken Casserole with Mediterranean Flavours

Chicken Casserole with Mediterranean Flavours

If you love chicken you need to try this recipe. All the ingredients we chose, when combined in this chicken casserole, create a traditional Mediterranean flavour that is beautiful for weekday dinners but also Sunday lunch. Pair it with a rustic bread or roast potatoes and voila`, you have got a tasty meal packed with protein and vegetables.



chicken casserole


The first step is to wash and cut your peppers. Then slice them into thin strips.

chicken casserole

Next, you want to cut the onion into thin slices.

chicken casserole

Combine the peppers and onion, and place them at the bottom of your casserole. Season with salt and pepper and rosemary. And drizzle some extra virgin olive oil.

chicken casserolechicken casserole

Place your chicken leg/s on top, and season with salt and pepper and rosemary.

chicken casserole

Take the cherry tomatoes and scatter them across your casserole.

chicken casserole

Do the same with your olives.

chicken casserole

Add the country basil sauce, scattering a few spoons here and there. We don’t need to cover it with the sauce but we want to add some for extra flavour and a creamier texture.

Finally, drizzle with your extra virgin olive oil and bake in the oven for one hour at 180 Celcius. Place on the lower level of the oven so it cooks slowly. Then, place at the top of the oven and increase the temperature for the last 20 minutes.

chicken casserole


If you want to cut prep time, you can use this sweet peppers spread to replace the fresh peppers and country basil sauce. We suggest using 2 jars.

Author: Alessia


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